
Calibration, reference and storage solutions for analytical sensors and systems

  • Calibration and reference solutions for various parameters such as pH/ORP, conductivity or dissolved oxygen
  • Storage and regeneration solutions for pH/ORP sensors

pH buffer standard solution

Calibration solution for pH sensors

  • Available buffers: pH 4.0, pH 7.0 or pH 10.0
  • Accuracy: 0.01 pH units according to NIST (at +20°C / +68°F)
  • Coloured, ready-to-use reagent according to ISO 17025
  • 250 ml and 1 L containers

pH/ORP storage solution

KCl solution for pH and ORP electrode storage and regeneration

  • 3 mol/L potassium chloride (3 M KCl) liquid
  • 100 ml and 1 L containers

ORP buffer standard solution

Calibration solution for ORP sensors

  • 220 mV or 465 mV standard (at +25°C / +77°F)
  • 250 ml container

Conductivity standard solution

Calibration solution for conductivity sensors

  • Available conductivity standards: 15 µS/cm, 147 µS/cm, 1413 µS/cm and 25 mS/cm (at +25°C / +77°F)
  • Allows calibration against NIST traceable standard reference material
  • 250 ml containers

Dissolved oxygen standard solution

Sodium sulphite calibration solution for dissolved oxygen sensors

  • Na2SO3 standard for zero point calibration
  • 1 L containers

Free chlorine photometer

Portable calibration kit for disinfectant sensors and measuring systems

  • For 0...10 mg/l Cl2 (DPD method), 3 ml sample size
  • Resolution: 0.01 ppm at 0...6 mg/l, 0.1 ppm at 6…10 mg/l
  • Pocket size unit for quick determination of free chlorine
  • Automatic switch-off when not in use extends the runtime

Free chlorine powder reagent

DPD dispenser for free chlorine testing for disinfectant sensors and measuring systems

  • For 100 free chlorine tests at a sample size of 5 ml
  • Convenient handling due to precise dosing dispenser

Turbidity standards calibration kit

Calibration solution for turbidity measuring systems

  • Available standards: 0.02 / 10 / 100 NTU/FNU or 0.02 / 10 / 1000 NTU/FNU
  • Formazin, certified reference material
  • No time-consuming cleaning between different calibration points needed
  • Cost-effective calibration: multiple use for any number of systems possible

Turbidity standard solution

Calibration solution for turbidity sensor

  • Available standard: 100 NTU
  • Formazin, certified reference material
  • Certified in accordance with ISO 17034 and ISO/IEC